Percorsi di Istruzione e Formazione Professionale, Scuola Secondaria di secondo grado

Approfondimenti tematici in lingua inglese su diversi temi riguardanti: Core Strategies for Innovation and Reform in Learning



Aggiornamento professionale riguardante principalmente:

  1. Assessment
  2. Integrated studies
  3. Project based Learning
  4. Professional Learning
  5. Social and emotional Learning
  6. Technology Integration
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Core Strategies for Innovation and Reform in Learning


Find resources to help you implement six transformational strategies: project-based learning, social and emotional learning, comprehensive assessment, teacher development, integrated studies, and technology integration.

Effective assessment should measure the full range of student ability—social, emotional, and academic achievement. Through various measures, including portfolios, presentations, and tests, multiple learning styles are supported.

To increase engagement and retention, academic subjects are presented in an interdisciplinary fashion that reflects modern knowledge and society. For instance history, literature, and art can be interwoven and taught through text, images, and sound.

Long term and student centered, project-based learning is a rigorous hands-on approach to learning core subject matter and basic skills with meaningful activities that examine complex, real-world issues. Project-based learning helps students develop and retain useful, working knowledge of subjects that are often taught in isolation and abstraction.

Educators must always hone their craft. Discover the many formal and informal professional learning programs and practices keeping teachers at the top of their game.

When students work together on teams, they learn to collaborate, communicate, and resolve conflicts. Cooperative learning and character development supports the social and emotional development of students and prepares them for success in the modern workplace.

Through the intelligent use of technology, combined with new approaches to education, a more personalized style of learning can be realized.




Approfondimenti tematici per i docenti in appoggio al corso PNRR -Scuola Futura -Corso Animatore Digitale "Insieme per una transizione Digitale Consapevole)

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